The IC697CMM711 Communications Coprocessor Module (CMM) is a member of a family of communication modules, and provides both communications control (CCM), remote terminal (RTU), and general IC69* communications (SNP) functionality. CCM, RTU and SNP are available on either or both serial ports in any of nine possible configurations: CCM/CCM, CCM/RTU, RTU/CCM, RTU/RTU, SNP/SNP, SNP/CCM, CCM/SNP, SNP/RTU, and RTU/SNP. The CMM provides both the RS-232 and RS-485 Interfaces and communicates with the PLC CPU over the backplane.
▪ Single-Slot Module
▪ SNP/SNP-X Protocol (master, slave)
▪ CCM Protocol (master, slave, peer)
▪ RTU Modbus Protocol (slave only)
▪ Supports connection to MS-DOS or Windows programming and configuration software package (monitor only)
▪ 12 Mhz, 80C186 Microprocessor
▪ Two RS-422/RS-485 or RS-232 Serial Ports
▪ CCM, RTU and SNP/SNP-X Available on Either or Both Ports
▪ Simultaneous Communications on Both Ports (up to 9.6 Kbps, or 19.2 Kbps individually)
▪ High Performance Access to PLC Memory
▪ Three Status LEDs
▪ Reset pushbutton
▪ Soft Switch Configuration (no switches or jumpers)
▪ No Battery Required