The IC698RMX016 Redundancy Memory Xchange (RMX) module operates as a node on a reflective memory network or as a dedicated link between CPUs in a redundant RX7i system. Each node in the network can be any reflective memory device that is compatible with the 5565 family. Whenever data is written to one node, all nodes on the network are automatically updated with the new data. When used as a node on a reflective memory network, the RMX module provides deterministic sharing of data among PLCs and other computing devices on a high-speed fiber optic network. A reflective memory network can contain up to 256 nodes.
The transmitter of the first node is tied to the receiver of the second. The transmitter of the second node is tied to the receiver of the third node, and so on, until the loop is completed back at the receiver of the first node.
■ PACSystems RX7i single slot form factor.
■ 16 Mbytes reflective memory with parity.
■ Software configuration of all node parameters (no jumper or switch settings required).
■ High-speed easy-to-use 2.12 Gbaud fiber-optic network.
■ No RX7i CPU processing required to operate the network.
■ Network-compatible with VMIC 5565 family of reflective memory devices
■ Connectivity with multimode fiber up to 30.48m/100ft.
■ Dynamic packet size, automatically controlled by Memory Xchange module.
■ Programmable VMEbus interrupt output.
■ Four general purpose network interrupts with 32 bits of data each.
■ Network error detection.
■ Up to 256 nodes per network.
■ Redundant transfer mode operation. This optional mode reduces the chance of a data packet being dropped from the network.
■ Configurable network memory offset allows you to assign nodes on a network to groups according to the 16MB segment in the network address space that they use. Not available when operating as a redundancy link in a CPU redundancy system.