The Max-ON CPU is compatible with a wide range of RX3i and Series 90-30 modules, backplanes, and other equipment, as listed in the PACSystems RX3i Hardware and Installation Manual, GFK-2314. Max-ON redundancy applications include fuel loading, standby power generation, boiler systems, and manufacturing systems. The proprietary Max-ON software provides subroutines for synchronization of variables, program equivalence testing, selection of master CPU, and diagnostics. When using Max-ON redundancy, transfer of control from the Master to the Backup can take two to three CPU logic scans. I/O states are maintained during the transfer.
▪ Programming in Ladder Diagram, Structured Text, Function Block Diagram, and C.
▪ Auto-located Symbolic Variables that can use any amount of user memory.
▪ 10 Mbytes of battery-backed user memory and 10 Mbytes of non-volatile flash user memory.
▪ Access to bulk memory via reference table %W.
▪ Up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for a block is 128KB.
▪ Test Edit mode to check changes to a running program.