The CPU 771 is a single slot PLC CPU which is programmed and configured by MS-DOS or Windows based programming software to perform real time control of machines, processes and material handling systems. The CPU 771 CPU communicates with I/O and smart option modules over the rack-mounted backplane (IC697CHS750, 782, 783, 790, 791) by way of the VME C.1 Standard format. Supported option modules include all IC697 LAN interface modules, several Coprocessor modules, Bus Controller for IC660/661 I/O and Communications modules, in addition to all of the IC697 family of discrete and analog I/O modules.Operation of this module may be controlled by the three position switch on the module or remotely by an attached programmer and programming software. CPU status is indicated by three green LEDs on the front of the module.
▪ Single slot CPU
▪ 2K inputs and outputs (any mix)
▪ Up to 8K analog I/O
▪ 0.4 microseconds per boolean function
▪ 12 Mhz, 80C186 microprocessor
▪ Supports IC660/IC661 and IC697 PLC
▪ Programmed by MS-DOS or Windows based software products running on Windows 95 or Windows NT over Ethernet TCP/IP or through the SNP port.
▪ Supports up to 512 Kbytes of battery-backed expansion memory in the same slot
▪ Configurable data and program memory
▪ Battery-backed calendar clock
▪ Three position operation mode switch
▪ Password controlled access
▪ Three Status LEDs
▪ Software Configuration (No DIP switches or jumpers)
▪ Reference information inside front door